Business Committee

The remit of the Business Committee is:

  1. To order the business of Presbytery meetings and make all practical arrangements relating to the operation of Presbytery;
  2. To act as a coordinating forum for conveners of other standing committees;
  3. To oversee the Presbytery’s communications, including online presence;
  4. To be the point of referral for issues of conflict in congregations and for matters relating to the discipline of ministers, deacons, readers and elders;
  5. To make arrangements for the examination and attestation of Records; and
  6. To deal with all matters not otherwise within the remit of a committee.
  7. Ecumenical relations
  8. Interfaith relations
  9. Responding to remits from the General Assembly
  10. The supervision of Presbytery staff

The Business Committee Convener is Mr Ramsay Allan.

Meeting Dates and Information

The next meetings of the Business Committee

Future dates in 2025:

23 January

20 March

5 June

28 August

23 October

20 November