
The Faith Nurture Committee supports people at all stages of ministry, from discerning a call from God through to training and support for those serving in full or part-time ministry roles.


The ‘recognised ministries’ of the church include:

  • Readers: Those called to a ministry of the Word who preach and lead worship. Readers may be attached to a particular congregation or serve the Presbytery more widely.
  • Deacons: Those called to a ministry of Word and Service. Deacons are ordained and serve in a variety of roles, often with a community or caring focus.
  • Ordained Local Ministers (OLMs): Those called to a Ministry of Word and Sacrament who serve on a non-stipendiary (voluntary) basis. OLMs may be appointed to a congregation, grouping or Presbytery-wide role.
  • Full-time Ministers of Word and Sacrament: Those called to full-time ordained ministry. Ministers of Word and Sacrament often serve as parish ministers inducted to a particular pastoral charge.

More information on all of these ministries can be found here.  (


Other forms of ministry include:

  • Elders: Those called and ordained to exercise spiritual oversight within their local congregation. Elders make up a Kirk Session and are often involved in a ministry of pastoral care.
  • Ministries Development Staff (MDS): Those called to specific roles to serve the Presbytery Mission Plan who are employed by the National Church. Examples of MDS roles include youth workers, community workers and parish assistants.
  • Locally Employed Staff: Those called to specific roles to assist the ministry and mission of a local congregation who are employed by that congregation.
  • Use of gifts: Everyone is called to use their own particular gifts to serve God and the world in some form of ministry. Check out these Discipleship Resources (link to Discipleship Resources PDF) to help discern your own particular gifts.


Discernment Process

If you would like to explore a call to a ministry, the first step is to hold a Discernment Conversation with a member of the National Team – call 0131 225 5722 or email

You can then apply to enter the Discernment Process.  This involved a period of 3-6 months attending a placement once a month at a church within the Presbytery.  The Faith Nurture Committee will allocate you a mentor and Presbytery assessor to accompany you through this period of reflection.  Your mentor, Presbytery assessor and a national assessor will make a decision at a Local Review as to whether you are ready to move on to the next stage.


Training for Ministry

When applicants have been accepted at both a Local and a National Review, they should contact the Convener of the Faith Nurture Committee ( who will arrange for their formal nomination as a candidate by the Presbytery.


Training involves a mix of academic study and practical placements – you can read the detail here.  ( Faith Nurture Committee appoints a Formation Partner to be a ‘critical friend’ to guide you through your training from start to finish, and each placement will be served by one of Presbytery’s trained supervisors.  Presbytery has a range of grants it can make to assist candidates through their training.


Supporting the Discernment and Training Process

The Faith Nurture Committee is keen to hear from ministers who would be interested in training as mentors and/or supervisors to support the discernment and training processes.  We are also keen to hear from any minister, elder or deacon who would be interested in becoming a Formation Partner – someone who meets regularly with a candidate during their training.


Study Leave

Ministers with 5 years’ experience are entitled to two weeks’ study leave per year, with funding of up to £275 towards the costs of study.  This can be rolled over for up to five years (ten weeks leave and £1375).  Ministers considering applying for study leave are encouraged to have an early conversation with the Faith Nurture Committee which has a role in advising on the suitability of study and in ensuring arrangements for cover (such as an Interim Moderator and/or Locum) are in place.  More information can be found here.  ( 


Study leave documents: