
Safeguarding – protecting children and adults at risk from harm – is a permanent and necessary part of Church life. The needs of the child, adult at risk, or survivor come first.

The Church of Scotland has invested in establishing a robust safeguarding system for all congregations.

Presbytery Safeguarding Contact and Administrator Isobel Donald

PVG Scheme – Online Application Process
The Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG Scheme) is about making sure that those working with vulnerable groups are safe to do so.

All volunteers and paid staff engaged in regulated work with the Church of Scotland, and as defined in schedules 2 and 3 of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 must become members of the PVG scheme.


  • Introduction to safeguarding Wednesday 8th Jan online at 7pm
  • Trustee Safeguarding Training Saturday 18th Jan at 10am at Boghall Bathgate church.
  • Trustee Safeguarding  Training Tuesday 28th Jan online at 7pm

To book a place on any of these training Sessions please contact Isabel Donald, Presbytery Safeguarding Administrator.